VS2017 on Mac!!

Tried VS2017 on Mac. I am well versed with super-awesome Xamarin Studio on Mac and work extensively on VS2015. I am aware that VS2017 is built out of Xamarin studio; but the VS2017 editor is very stable and “feels at home”. 

You may install the installer from https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/visual-studio-mac/

VS2017 is a fully featured IDE and not to be confused with Visual Studio Code; which is more of a quick; light weight code editor.  


For building a quick; .net core application;

select the template and go…


it will take some time to initiate the boiler-plate code and fetch all dependancies..

If .Net core is not install; it will ask to install Homebrew for openssl along with .net core installation

Homebrew installation is here


The formula for OpenSSL is @ http://brewformulas.org/Openssl

At mac terminal paste to below command for Homebrew

ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)”


brew install openssl


 or for updating OpenSSL 


brew link –force openssl


if struck; find more information here



You may be required to update Nuget packages when running for the first time



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VS2017 debugging features are as awesome as it gets..

.Net core is proving to be a great alternative to enterprise level NodeJs; Now with the great tooling supports it might be a better one!!