Twitter Tree in Silverlight

At last i got some time to work on long pending “project: i have thought of. This one is about listing all twitter friends in a connected graph and see their statuses. It uses Twitter API and WCF service to feed the silverlight. WCF acts as an adapter to twitter service. The idea is to connect to other services like “orkut”, “facebook”, “Mayspace” etc in future.

It uses SL 3.0; so you must have it installed to run this:

Here are the snapshots of the running application.(Running in flock)!! You may see Tim heuer and Nikhil in the graph below… (I have learnt a lot from all these folks by following their blogs and twitter feeds) :D…


While i still follow very selective list of people; here is graph of people following Nikhil ( Most of the people following him are really cool techies too!!)


And here is list for Tim!!!


If you want to play with the application here is the link

As a next step i am planning to move the same to AZURE!

Feedback / suggestions/ comments are welcome!!!

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